Somehow I got ready on time...whew.
So I'm rushing to put the dog on her cable before I walk out the door. I double check the calendar and my appointment wasn't until11:30! (shoot, I could have slept longer!)
Since I had some extra time I sat down at the computer. Just 5 minutes. How did 5 minutes turn into 30 so quickly!!
After the doctor's appointment I stopped at Fas Mart, a convenience store, to get gas for the car. I went inside to pay. The clerk had a cigarette burning in the ashtray and as I was getting out the money, he had inadvertently rested his arm over the cigarette and the next thing you knew his arm was on fire! He started screaming and running around. I tried to stop him...HELLO!....STOP, DROP and ROLL! He wouldn't stop and ran out the door. A policeman was out there. The man went running towards the policeman. He was screaming and waving his arms. Finally the policeman and I got to him, threw him down and got the fire extinguished. The policeman went to his car and made a call on his radio. I expected the ambulance to be arriving any moment but instead, the policeman grabbed the man by his good arm, put him in the back of the police car and arrested him!!
The charges???? Waving a Fire Arm at a Police Officer.....
Have a great day! ; )
8| I was taking you seriously right up until the last part. LOL
I love it! wahahaha!
Long wait in the waiting room?....
Oh Darlin' you had me going. And reeled me in like a big wet fish. Thanks for the grins.
Oh mercy, how do you always manage to make me laugh???? ROFL!!
Now that was not nice!
You are so convincing! I don't know if that's a good thing or not. LOL!
got me too!!
girl....that is just all kinds of really had me going.....:)
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