I've been working with it for years. It never really bothered me because I don't know that much about dinosaurs anyway. The only problem is, that whenever I wanted to play with the dinosaur, someone else was already doing it. Even when I was the only one around, my dinosaur was very stubborn and would just sit, refusing to allow me to play.
My neighbor had an old dinosaur that she no longer played with, so she gave it to me. Well, that was wonderful until "Alberquando" took it over. He knows more about dinosaurs than just about any one I know. Unfortunately, he fed the dinosaur so much food that the dinosaur got fat. It got so fat that his skin didn't even fit.
"Alberquando" didn't mind, but whenever I went to play, I guess this newer dinosaur was so full that it refused to do anything for me.
Well, times are hard. Even though I wanted a pet of my own, I knew I couldn't get anything other than another dinosaur. SO I got my very own BABY dinosaur. Baby dinosaurs are worse than adult ones. They are just as stubborn. This one had barely learned to walk and it would take him 20 minutes just to walk across the room. It was SO S-L-O-W!!
Not only that, but his scales started to fall off!!
And his tail was so long that it was always in the way!
I gave up. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I stopped playing with the dinosaur almost completely. I felt like "Little Jackie Paper". I loved the dinosaur but I just didn't have time to play with him. Then it actually stopped working altogether. "Puff that mighty dragon, ceased his mighty roar." (ok, dragons- dinosaurs....close enough)
Luckily "Alberquando" coaxed Puff out of his cave. That is great for them. But I was over it.
Sometimes a person has to break down and do something for themselves. I can't remember the last time I bought something NEW for myself. Oh yes I can! It was just this week.
"Painted wings and giant rings. Make
way for other toys..."
But don't worry about our dinosaur. "Alberquando" still loves him. He's even taught him a new language. It's called Lenux. Believe me, I got out just in time!
Have a great day!!
That was great! Welcome to the world of laptops!
How fun to have a brand new dinosaur to train!
Yay!!! New dinos are way better, and look, it came with your picture on it!
I love the way you tell a story!
Rich blessings to you for 2010 and beyond!
First Hug of the year.
congratulations, don't forget to read every page of the manual especially the warnings like, don't use in the bathtub.
Just kidding.
i LOVELOVELOVE the picture on it.
This is gonna be a grrrreat year girl! NEW DINO, NEW THINGS!!!!
Yay for you! That is great!!!
Good for you! May you all have many happy days together:)
About time!!!
Hey girl,
You are sooooo creative! I loved this post! I was coming close to getting a new laptop just for me, and then the vacuum (which has been oh so faithful for 17 years--an electrolux, btw) conked out! Priorities, you know! LOL!
Hey, thanks for coming by my blog. I hope I don't bore people when I talk about the coupon stuff, but it has really made a difference! Let me know what you think about it, and if you decide to do it, keep me posted!
Love your creativity!
And so glad that you got a new lap top. How fun!
And your profile...oh girl, sounds like me.
Write. Whatever. Worry.
So nice to know that there's another blogger who has some of the same quirks that I have.
Gotta follow that.
Sweet dreams.
Hey did you notice that your laptop has a beautiful Cross of Light over your blog? Surely this is providential. Certainly it is art worthy. *wink*
Do you know how hard that is to do on purpose??? :)
I love the antique! Happy New Year fellow ADD person! 8)
Happy New Year, my friend. So happy you'll be able to blog with your new Toshiba!!! YAY. Enjoying your clips this week.
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