What would you have done? Would you have continued on over and over and over? Would you have given up? What if you gave up and the very next time there was "the answer"?
Perhaps he was a scientist. He was looking for "the answer". You have have to admit that he was persistent. Hhhmmm, Thesaurus time. PERSISTENT .....determined, continuous, bound, incessant, repeated, endless, unrelenting......you get the picture.
I doubt that we will ever know what finally happened. Did he ever stop trying? How many times did he say to himself, "Just one more"? Did he finally give up and go home? Is he still out there like the energizer rabbit...going and going and going? It's been a very long time. Perhaps he has sadly passed away. If that is the case, did his children take up where he left off? And speaking of children, when did he possibly have time to have children? Was he married? Did his wife join him on his arduous journey? There are just so many unanswered questions. I guess it is like trying to figure out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop....the world may never know.
Never-the-less....I cannot go away now without once again wondering...wondering....wondering....
The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain.
To see what he could see.
To see what he could see.
To see what he could see.
The bear went over the mountain.
To see what he could see.
He saw another mountain.
He saw another mountain.
He saw another mountain.
That's all that he could see.
That's all that he could see.
That's all that he could see.
The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain......
and we wonder.
Have a wonderful day!
You crack me up.
Wow.... 8)
I know I do......
WV: lingloup
A student study at the University of Cambridge concluded that it takes 3481 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Let me know if you want a reference.
I should have known better than to figure out where you were going with that...bwahahahahah!:)
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