Today is Tuesday.
You know what that means.
We're gonna have a Special Guest!!
I never would have expected to have today's Special Guest come and visit.
I really don't know her music and all I have ever heard about her was on tv or in the tabloids.
She is up there with Britney Spears in public scandal. Maybe even worse.
Then, a few weeks ago, I read the song lyrics to one of her songs on Krippled Warrior's blog. He didn't tell us who wrote this song until the end.......because we do tend to judge.
I read the lyrics and immediately went to You Tube to hear the song. I've listened to it numerous times since then.
So here it is....
A Letter To God
(by Courtney Love).
cause Tuesday is Guest Star Day!!!!!
I thought this might have come from the new movie, "Letters to God," but I don't see her listed on the soundtrack. Still, a powerful song with a message that, I'm sure, all of us have asked--in some form (not necessarily her words).
Girl's had a really rough life. If she truly sent that "letter," she might know a new answer.
WV: selamica (Italian for one who barters in minerals.)
I am ashamed that i sometimes prejudge - definetely more often than i should. But this song is really good IMO.
God can, and will, save anyone who comes to Him. When someone asks me if i really believe so-and-so is saved my reply is, God sees the heart and knows much better than i do. He is a perfect judge, and just administrator. I am not. So, do i think so-and-so is saved, i don't know, but i can hope and pray for them. But when i stand before the Throne, i know His ruling is perfect and just... for all.
P.S. - how did you know that i am a recent addict to NCIS?
I snorted tea out my nose when i read about our mutual ramblings... and how easy it is to lose track of what we have discussed.
Fortunately tea is not nearly as sticky as Dr Pepper.
I am liking the more recent episodes a little more, but a recent one i saw on USA Network about the sniper taking out recruiters... really cool.
OK, first I will admit how 'un-cool' I am by confessing that I don't know who Courtney Love is. But by the pictures in the video, I can get an idea.
What a great plea to God. Speaks of a hurting heart, which I know He cherishes, and which He would love to mend. Perhaps she'll recognize His pursuit of her!
But by the Grace of God there go I.
If that song was a true expression of her heart, and it likely is, then God is working in her heart and she is responding. Praying for her now.
Where is your flashback Friday?
I don't really remember anything about my teachers except Mrs Croll....shiver
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