I wish I could link you to her but I am having computer-user problems. You all know her anyway. www.richgifts.blogspot.com
I have, however, written a few special short songs to let her know how special she is. I wasn't able to write the actual melody because of the countless hours I spent on the lyrics. I wanted to make sure it "spoke" to everyone that read it. So I sat down and I wrote, I deleted, I pondered and I wrote some more. Finally I was able to come up with exactly what I wanted to say.
So, Happy Belated Birthday Edie.
And these songs are especially for you!!
(Sing to the tune of Three Blind Mice)
Edie E
Edie E
Edie Edie E
Edie Edie E
E-Edie Edie E-E-Edie
E-Edie E-Edie E E Edie
E-Edie E-Edie E-E-Edie
(This next song is sung to the tune of Ring Around the Rosies)
E-Edie Edie Edie
E-Edie Edie Edie
.............I had to stop and wipe a tear from my eye while typing that. It just touched me and at the risk of sounding proud, I just think that the lyrics to these tunes are so touching and paint a beautiful picture of our good friend.
(This is my last song. Please sing it to the tune of I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy)
Edie Edie Edie Edie
Edie Edie Edie E
E-E-E-Edie Edie E-Edie.
E-Edie Edie Edie Edie.
Edie Edie E-Edie.
Edie Edie Edie E
Edie Edie Edie
Oh fwhew! I'm not the only one that forgot - I mean - missed - her birthday!!!! I even had it on my calendar - after I badgered her to tell me when it was!!! I left her a message telling her to call me so I could apologize!!!!!! UGH!
By the way - the tears really came to my eyes when you wrote the last song..... Edie Edie.....
Yes you really are a great friend to have! Thank you so much. I seem to remember your card sitting on my counter when it was your birthday. LOL! It's not expected but I'm so blessed that you remembered. :D (I'm really bad about remembering birthdays.)
I love those songs! I could never have come up with the lyrics like you did. You are SO musical! ♪♫♪
Thank you my friend!
I am so glad to be reading this, I mean singing this, right now beeeecause, I was just chattin' at 'er on (the dreaded) facebook and now I can go on back there and give her a birthday shout. Love it when the timing works out so well like that.
I finally wrote on my poor neglected blog again today. *sigh*
Let's play another word game soon.
I just posted a song on Edie's fb wall- the song was "Happy Birthday" sung to the tune of Happy Birthday, which is really great and all except her birthday was....aw, never mind...today will work.
Wow, that was so deep, meaningful & profound. I'm in awe.
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