Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Re-Visiting the WVB

Hi all. You may think all I do is write about funny things or off the wall topics. But education is a very important topic. Enriching one's vocabulary is a great way to enrich one's mind. SO, as you read the following, you will see there is a very intellectual and deep side to me also.

Today, I am going to approach the Word Verification Box again.
The DREADED Word Verification Box (WVB)!

We've been over before how annoying they are and how those spammers get through anyway but they still keep getting used.

As I've told you in the past, at least it can be very educational. Why, I've even learned more new words since my last post on this subject...what did you say? You want to read the last one I wrote? Well, aren't you sweet. You can read it by clicking H E R E. OR, as I just found out, you can go to Goggle, type in Word Verification Box on images and yours truly is the first image there!

These new words that keep coming up are tricky. Sometimes I cannot find them in my Websters dictionary, but that's ok because many of these have the meaning built right in.

Here are a few I've run across in the past few weeks.........

1. CATAPOOT- definitely an easy one, (and my favorite from this list). Your kids are playing with their toy catapult and it isn't working properly. The stone is just falling off of the end. That is definitely a "catapoot"

2. Nonash-The opposite of YesNash

3. Suatri- When a tree falls on you and you take legal action against it. (ok, maybe this one is my favorite)

4. whobb- What Weebles do when they DO fall down.

5. Gizinh- What to say to someone who starts to sneeze but stops in the middle of it.

6. Volium- The medication that the doctor gives you once the Valium becomes ineffective. (a step before Xanax).

7. Genfati- that is what you become when you drink too much gin and get a big belly.

8. Cardem- What the guy at the local bar does to make sure under age drinkers aren't trying to get in.

9. Inquets-opposite of outquets......don't ask me what outquets means. I can't do all the research. But it probably means something like the opposite of inquets.

10. Cowerso- Remember those bullies from when you were a kid? Stand up to them and watch them cowerso much.

11. Addiliu- A word for people with ADD and ADHD. It is when they start to talk about one thing and suddenly get sidetracked and off the subject. My favorite subject in school was history because you learned so much about real people and real times and, oh, I've really spent too much time here today because I have tons of important things to laundry ....dishes.... dinner .....vacuum ..... My vacuum is an Oreck. It's ok, but until they make a vacuum that does the work for you, to me, they are all the same. Hey, I think they did, I think it's called the Robovac and it is a little disc that travels around the room for you. I read somewhere that you have to program it though and I could be finished vacuuming by then.

Well, that is all for now.

Oh, and to all you people that still have the WVB. I'm just kidding. I LOVE you all. Thank you for enriching my mind!

<span class=MyADHDMe" border="0">



Kelly said...

Okay, I literally laughed out loud at several of these, and I needed a good laugh.


Sue J. said...

I was hoping #6 was what would happen to my hair with certain shampoos--the ones that build volium.... Hasn't happened yet.

This could be the next wave of books, like those books that profile folks who don't know their song lyrics? ("There's a bathroom on the right," etc.)

I'm still not used to the WVB acronym, however. I thought it was going to be West Virginia B---. Maybe it should be DWVB....get the DREADED in there!

Heidi said...

I laughed out loud at suatri, whobb and cardem. I believe I did away with my WVB, at your urging, but am still too scared to just let the comments show up w/o seeing them first. What do you think? I know a lot of people allow it. I think I saw a really long, couldn't quite make it out, thought it mighta been a viral attack comment on one of your posts. Do you know the one I mean? What was that?

samurai said...

#11 sounds way too much like ... well... me! 8|

Mocha with Linda said...

You crack me up.

I thought Volium was gonna be what celebrities like MJ and others took when they were on huge quantities of drugs!

Those are hilarious!

Greg C said...

I'm sorry but catapoot is what a cat does when it eats too much tuna. I liked all your definitions though.

On Purpose said...

You are so fun and creative...why are you not my living right next door to that when I need a quick jolt of pure fun...I can just walk right over...You are a huge blessing to this way too serious world...seriously you are! Keep em comin!

Beverlydru said...

You ARE funny. My sister thinks monkeys are funny too... she's made sure the baby has a monkey collection already. I'll have to take a picture and share!

Edie said...

You are back in good form my friend. I laughed loudly at a few myself. I think Suatri, whobb, and Gizinh are my favorite.

I was looking for something like Greg's definition for Catapoot. LOL!

Thanks for the laughs!

Edie said...

Oh... thanks for the education! Anyone for a game of Scrabble?

HisPrincess said...

Thanks for the laugh...I really needed that!

Edie said...

Hey go check your email... and look at your blog.

Amy said...

You are SO funny!

One of my Facebook friends, from high school, put a link to her Blogspot which had a link to your Blogspot.

Confused yet? I have ADD too, without the "H." I can relate to your blog!

Edie said...

I loved talking to you too! I can't believe you went bungee jumping! Ahhhhhhhh! :)

My Army Brats and Me said...

Always fun to visit. Hope you are doing well.