My last post was part 1 of
Edie's Random Question. This is part 2.
That was a pretty redundant thing to say. If my last post was Part 1 then it would make no sense for this one to be part 3 or 4 or anything other than 2.
15 Things I'm Not Afraid To Admit.
There are very few things I am afraid to admit. The problem isn't the admitting, it's the "open mouth insert foot" syndrome that I get as soon as I hit the Publish Post button. On some days I'll tell you anything you want to know and many things you probably don't...but then I may end up hiding in the closet for a week afterwards. SO, I'm going to list 15 things I'm not afraid to admit AND that I won't regret admitting later...hopefully.
As I sit here thinking of what to write, I realize this isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I could easily write 15 things, such as 1. I get out of bed every morning. 2. I brush my teeth. 3. I get dressed. etc etc etc. But I'm trying to think of 15 things that won't put you to sleep.
By the way. There was another neat game of TAG at
Alert and Oriented X 4's post the other day. I'm going to do that one on one of my next posts and by then you will know absolutely tons of things about me....which I'm just sure thrills you to pieces. That one has questions for each answer so it's a little easier but I said I was going to do this one, so here I go. I'm not doing a Mr Linky but I would sure like to see how some of you answer some of these questions. Hopefully, you will write a post about them.
Well, this post is long enough so thanks again for reading and have a great day...oh...opps...I guess I won't get off that easily.
15 Things I'm Not Afraid To Admit:
1. Between the ages of about 17 through 25 I thought I was Scarlett O'Hara. I probably watched Gone with the Wind 50 times during those lie. I can recite almost the whole movie as it plays...which can be very annoying to anyone else watching it. Also, if I can recite a 4 hour movie, why can't I remember to unload the dishwasher?
2. In elementary school and high school I was invisible and VERY QUIET (go figure). Some time around age 20, I came out of my shell and haven't stopped talking since.
3. I have very few close friends. I like almost everybody and have many acquaintances and I think most people seem to like me. I can't think of any enemies but I usually don't get close enough to many people to call them a true friend.
4. I have a guilt complex, so if you are going to ask me if I did something, PLEASE be pretty sure I did it, because if you ask, I automatically assume you think I did whatever it was and feel guilty about it even though I may have no idea what you are talking about. I would probably fail any polygraph test if I had to take one.
5. I truly truly hate having my picture taken. I am not photogenic...unlike Chatty Kelly who shines whenever there is a camera within 100 feet. I do like the picture I use for my blog but that is one of the few ones I like.
6. This is probably obvious, but, nothing in my entire life (except for my children) has given me more joy, satisfaction and just plain bliss than being a fire fighter. It has helped me just as much, if not more, than it has helped others.
7. I can drive a fire engine. I have only driven for training purposes and have no desire to drive one for actual calls. The driver is responsible for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. HUGE RESPONSIBILITY. Also, the driver doesn't get to go inside the fire. He/She works the water supply. BUT, it is the coolest thing to be driving that huge engine down the road. Also, I must admit that I get a huge kick out of pulling up beside teenage girls (whether I'm driving or not) because they look up and get ready to flirt with the "cool fireman" and the look on their faces when they see me is priceless.
8. I took piano lessons for about 8-10 years but only have about 3 songs that I play well enough to preform for anyone. I have later come to realize that practicing between the weekly lessons may have possibly been a good idea. Too bad I didn't think so at the time. I also played percussion in the band in elementary school..snare drum, base drum (not at the same time) cymbals, maracas, claves, etc.
9. Although I don't hate my mother (I used to, but was able to get past that), anyway, although I don't hate her, there isn't anyone that I can think of that I dislike more or that is as cruel and spiteful as she is.
10. I adored my grandparents (dad's parents). I spent tons of time with them when I was growing up and they were a huge part of the only stability I knew. The little bit that I do know regarding cooking and/or general home maintenance, I learned from them. I have a huge amount of regret that I didn't spend more time with them as I grew older before they died. I was married, had 2 kids and was "too busy". What a shame.
11. At almost every job I've ever had, approx 95%-98% of the employees were men. I like working with men. You know where you stand. I've never met a man that will smile to your face and then talk bad about you when you turn your back. I have, however, known quite a few women that will.
(whew, this is long and I hope you aren't falling asleep reading it)
12. Although school was very difficult, I think having ADHD has been a positive part of my personality. It has helped me see the humor in things that I think many people overlook. Unfortunately, sometimes I see the humor in things that SHOULD be overlooked. Also, having ADHD lets you notice so many things. I think I see things in a different perspective than many people. If only I could remember the thing I was talking about before. It's not that I have a short attention span it's just that.....
13. If you are having a crisis I am usually the first one to drop everything and do what I can to help. As I have mentioned before, that is the one time that I CAN focus. Unfortunately, when it comes to my own problems.....I tend to ignore them and pretend they don't exist.
14.I struggle helping my 7th grader with his homework. As for my 12th grader, the only help I can give him, is to say, "Do you homework".
15. I am too easy on my kids. My husband is generally not a nice person. Therefore, I overcompensate. I know I shouldn't and I do think I've gotten better but I'm still too easy on them.
16. There is a stubborn streak in me that makes me want to push the rules, (i.e. this is #16)
There you go. Definitely not the most exciting post in the world. But it's honest.....and that it's self is a step in the right direction.......Monkey's Are Funny?