I got a new reader the other day. She left the nicest comment. It said...
"This is the first time I've visited your site, but I'm TOTALLY coming back! You are HILARIOUS! You even made my husband chuckle and that takes a LOT!"
Thank you so much. But now....I'm funny? Oh No! I thought you all came here for deep intellectual reading.
Humor eh.....well, ok. I guess I can change my entire writing style.
Lets see....
A priest and a rabbi went to a bar...
Nope. That doesn't work. Perhaps priests and rabbis go into bars but the chance of both of them going into a bar at the same time is pretty slim. Would they be wearing their church clothes? If they weren't, I wonder how long they would be chatting before they realized they others professions. Would they be drinking? Also, what day of the week would they be there?
Also, isn't one of the main reasons people go to bars is to pick up members of the opposite sex. That isn't an option, is it? I mean, of course priests and rabbis are welcome to go into bars if they want to but even if they did, does that mean someone has to make a joke about it? Can't people just leave them alone! Maybe they were out and about and just wanted a diet coke and a bit of friendly conversation. Don't judge them. That just isn't nice. How would you like to be judged if you went somewhere. What if so many jokes started out with, "A writer and a firefighter went to a library......"? Or how about "A stay at home mom and a decorated war vet went into a Starbucks......"? Just because you go into an establishment, does that automatically mean a joke should be said about it? And what if you aren't in the mood to tell a joke? Would the joke still be funny if you said it later when you were in a funnier mood? Would if be as funny if you said "A stay at home mom and a decorated war vet just walked OUT of a

I give up. I just can't be funny "on demand".
And what's so funny about monkeys?
Oh, but seriously, thanks for the nice comment.
And have an outstanding evening. Well, no need to be outstanding. Go in the house. It's awfully cold out there. Have an In-Sitting evening!!

The scariest thing is this made total sense to me.
There's no one else like you!! Outstanding. Bahhhahahahaha
well, as a stay at home mom who visits Starbucks alot, I can tell you there is nothing funny going on there. But I do enjoy the coffee.
I do have this habit of putting funny people up on a pedestal, BUT if I do recall that comment (left by yours truly) was left on your word verification post. But even if you don't mean to be funny (which by the way, you are: even when you are "trying" to be), I get you and that makes me laugh! You are great!
Oh, and by the way, I pretty much think EVERYONE is funny. Seriously! Just ask anyone who knows me if I have ever laughed at them (I mean with them) They will all say that I have.
I'm a decorated war vet. I don't go into Starbucks. And pretty much everything I do is funny. But most people don't laugh at me while I'm there. But now I wanna hear about this firefighter war vet thingy.
So just how often do a writer and a firefighter go into a library anyway?
I bet if a stay-at-home mom, a firefighter, a graphic designer, and a cow-bell symphony leader went into a Starbucks together there would be lots of laughter. :)
LOL! You're a goof-ball!
Oh, I TOTALLY come here for the deep intellectual reading.
And I'm NOT laughing as I type, either. LOL!
So, it was Gianna who left that comment? She's a sweetheart!
And I get to meet her in four weeks when I speak in MN. *grin*
["A cow-bell symphony leader"....I wish!]
Gianna, welcome to the "chat room." Now you know to be careful about what you say here. Anything can happen, and often does, or doesn't, depending on the day or night or overnight (but not in the morning or over-easy).
And if everybody doesn't know your name, apparently they do all know your job title....maybe....
And Tomorrow is Tuesday, and you'll learn what that means....if you dare to come back....
A writer & a firefighter never go to the library or to Starbucks. The firefighter doesn't like coffee! I'm not kidding!
But the bell lady & the writer get coffee as much as we can, and I drag the firefighter out of the house on occasion for lunch or something.
But Yes - mix in the graphic designer and I know it'd be lots of laughter!!!
I've always wondered why they would go into a bar, but that's as far as my mind would go. Yes, you certainly have a gift!:)
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