Linda, at Mocha With Linda (I guess that was redundant)...it wouldn't have made sense to say. um, something like Carol at mocha with Linda or Lisa at Mocha with Linda...
Monkeys are Funny.
Anyway, she has tagged me to write 7 random things about myself. HHmmm, Me....random? Isn't that like Oil and Water? (or maybe more like Peanut Butter and Jelly). I'm such a consistent person!
The definition of Random in Wiktionary is "All outcomes being unpredictable, and in the ideal case, equally probable". "Typical, average, UNEXPECTED. lacking context, *Apropos* content (look it up), undefined, unknown".
SO, as I was saying, Me?....Random?....well, it may be hard to do this one, but I'll be a good sport and try.
By the way, I should have named my blog MyRandomADHDMe!
7 Random things about me that, after having read them, you will be no smarter, no more informed of world events, and possibly a bit confused.
1. Sometimes I take a long time to get to the point!
2. I take notes on EVERYTHING! I make lists for EVERYTHING! If I ever find them again, I think I might just consolidate them into one notebook.
3. I probably own, have read, and checked just about everything available on Organizing. I am probably THE MOST organized, disorganized person you will ever know.
4. I love projects (household), I love to plan then, I LOVE to make lists of what I need to do to complete them, sometimes I even buy the necessary equipment. I think I once even finished a project.
5. I love to listen to Karen Carpenter. I know, I know, but I can't help it. It's one of those things that when it comes on the radio (which it seldom does...but that is ok, because I have the CD) , that i roll up the window so I can LOUDLY sing right along with her. I had a Carpenters Christmas CD that I just loved and used to play it at our Christmas Eve Party....but out of respect for my father-in-law (who would probably rather hear ANYTHING else) AND (and probably everyone else that just didn't say it out loud) I now save it for my own personal listening.
6. My 17 year old son says that every one of my blogger friends are probably really 51-75 year old men that are stalking me. I told him that I have seen their pictures...hhhmmmm, that's the same thing he told me, many years ago when we had a My Space issue. When he found out I got gifts and correspondence in the mail and that I had given a few of you my address, he just shook his head and walked away. (He was smiling with that "I told you so look". Good thing I love him so much!
7. My 12 year old can do more on the computer than most adults. His computer teacher at school even asks for his help sometimes. When Kelly and I were a little bit later than expected, coming home from Jesus Christ Superstar, he said he wasn't very worried because he tracked my cell phone and was able to see what road I was on.....that is scary! he can remember specific HTML codes, Linux operations, all kinds of programming info......so why can't he remember to bring home his daily agenda from school each evening!!!
NOW! I'm done....are you feeling ENLIGHTENED?
8. Enlightened- aware, broadminded, cultivated, hip to, instructed, learned, savvy, tuned in, wised up.
Or Maybe you are feeling UNENLIGHTENED?
9. Unenlightened- confused, confounded, in the dark, misled, perplexed, uninformed.
10. I LOVE my Thesaurus.
11. I'm not always big on following the rules...this was supposed to be 7 things. Oh well....there are more...
12. .......
13. ................
14. .....................................................
15. .............................................................................
I could go on all day.................
Is unlightened really a word? Wow.
How did your 17 yr old know I was really a 51-75 yr old man? No wait, I'm your sister, so I can't fool you with that one.
Edie, are you really a 51-75 yr old man?
UnENLIGHTENED...and yes, if my Thesaurus says it is a word then it must be. Of course you could always check the internet...after all...if it's on the internet IT MUST BE TRUE!!
AND, yes, I am QUITE SURE that YOU are not a 51-75 year old man...but are you sure I'm not? I believe someone said something about "moving furniture like a man".
How did your son know I was a 51 - 75 yr old man. Sorry I don't have the energy to be a stalker nor the time. However if you send me a video I will watch it if I have the time. That's the best I can do.
#7 sounds exactly like my 12 year old. He can tell you so much about history but he forgets to bring his assignments home.
That was really good, I understood everything posted and I wasn't a bit confused. Is that a good thing?
Apparently I need to shave if I am starting to look like a male and who is Karen Carpenter
Yes very enlightened!
You and I are so much alike it's scary.
Let's make a list of our similarities, then put our lists in a notebook, then make a list of all our notebooks....
I LOVE that "To Do List" at the very top of your post. LOL!!
1. But the journey is so much fun. LOL!
2. I have to confess I do this too but I can find mine. (usually)
4. I absolutely do this but not just household projects. There is always at least one project of some kind going on over here. I get so excited about what I'm going to do that I run out and buy everything I will will need. I usually complete the projects I start but there are some that have waited a LONG time for me to start. I have established guidelines that I am required to follow now concerning projects. :)
6. HaHa!! I promise, I'm not a 51-75 year old man OR a stalker.
7. Now that's ingenuity. Aren't you glad he was concerned?
ET must be the youngest if she doesn't know who Karen Carpenter is.
"I think I once even finished a project."
Tell your son I'm only 37, and I am definitely not a man.
And one more question. Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near???"
"Just like me, they long to be, close to you!!!"
Awesome list! I read your son's computer event (tracking you) out loud to my family. They said, "Whoaaaaa!"
Aw man, I left the moondust and golden starlight out of your caricature! LOL!
And I am STILL not a 51-75 year old man!
I just checked. I am definitely NOT a 51-75 year old man!
Have your 12 year write out a "how-to" for the tracking thing... he could make some money on that little endeavor.
When I was young, I listened to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs; when they played, I'd sing along, it made me smile. Those were such happy times and NOT SO LONG AGO. . . well, maybe they were. LOL
Your list is great.
Signed, Sue at Mocha with Linda
I mean, Linda at Mocha with Linda
I may have an identity crisis now!!
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