Monday, September 6, 2010

Things to Do, When You Can't Do Anything

Things to do when you can't do anything....

1. I'll let you know when I think of something.



samurai said...

Hmm... can you move wrists, etc? If so... i HIGHLY recommend the Wii! If possible...

Otherwise... books on tape(cd)...
Or you could just count to 1,000,000 8)

Looking forward to your "TAGGED!" post later ;)

Mocha with Linda said...

Bless your heart. Maybe you could translate the Bible into some obscure language.

Of course, then there's all the bizarre posts you can plan. I'm thinking monkeys aren't very funny right now.

I thought of you when I got a funny word verification on someone's blog the other day. I figured the definition is "a teenager." The word? Pedadult!

The one on this comment is pretty good too...conanit. Would that be anything like ChuckNorrisit?!

My ADHD Me said...

My doctor would FREAK if I did Wii. No BLT's (bending, lifting, twisting). Also no reaching or leaning. No lifting or holding anything over 5 lbs. (think about it, a gal of milk weighs 8 lbs). Only time the brace is off is when you're in bed or the shower,,,and you can't spend ALL day in bed or the shower. Once the brace is on, you can't lay down but you can't do anything either. No sitting in the recliner or the sofa (not firm enough). Must sit on a padded straight back chair (like a Queen Anne style) I didn't even have one, had to borrow it from Chatty Kelly...Thanks Kelly.

There are more restrictions but you get the point.

Bright note- on a 1-10 scale, before surgery pain was a 10. After surgery it was a 10 also of course but that was surgery, incision pain. Pain level today is about a 4.

samurai said...

I'm not talking Wii Fit silly. There are a tin of games that all you have to do is flick your wrist! Seriously. A little flip of the wrist, and a thunb push on a button.

Halo on the Wii - probably not a good idea... but Wii resort where all you do is flip the wrist to play tennis. ;-)

I will pick the brain to see if i can suggest something else. 8)

Glad to hear the pain is reduced. \o/

Heidi said...

How 'bout eyes to the left, wide, squinty, shut, open- eyes to the rights, wide, squinty, shut, open...eyes up, eyes down, whirl your eyes all around. Now breathe.

I'm doing it now and it's kind of fun..

My ADHD Me said...

samurai-oh (haha) I actually was thinking about Wii Fit.

2Thinks- You know your eyes might get stuck that way----at least that's what my grandmother used to say. I think she just might have been mistaken, but you never know....

Linda-OK, maybe I'll work on a WVB. Yes, the monkeys are more edgy than funny.