Oh for goodness sake! 30 X 5. To "move" for 30 minutes, 5 times a week, for 2 weeks. EASY!!
Yep, that's what Linda, at 2nd Cup of Coffee wanted us to think.
I'm moving all the time. This was to be a VERY easy commitment to keep.
So why did I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach as soon as I hit the reply button on the comment section?
Well, I committed, so I would do it. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.....there was a reply in MY comment section. It was Chatty kelly. SHE committed too. ACCOUNTABILITY! "Lets walk together!" she said.
umm..... ok.
Don't get me wrong. I love CK and love talking and visiting. It's that accountability thing. I love walking with someone too. It's just that darn accountability thing. Then there's that little factor of CK and I being the Heat Miser and the Cold Miser (literally AND figuratively).

CK- "Brrrr. It's cold"
ADHD- "Whew! It's HOT out here!"
CK -"Let's go 31 minutes just to be sure"
ADHD- "28 1/2 minutes. That's close enough"
CK.- " OK, Lets go".
ADHD- "WAIT...I need a water bottle. I should grab a t-shirt in case I get warm (those hot flashes can come out of nowhere). Where's my cell? Opps, I forgot to lock the car. ..." 20 min later...."Ok, lets go."
ADHD- "It's raining. I guess we'll do it tomorrow instead"
CK- "It's raining. Good thing the church has an indoor track".
CK-"I did an hour today. Extra credit, I guess".
ADHD- "I did an hour today. Does that mean I can skip tomorrow?"

So you get the idea.
DAY 1- DID IT! Worked HARD in the backyard stacking fire wood.
DAY 2- DID IT! Walked with CK.
DAY 3- Very Sore from moving firewood on Day 1. I'll skip today
Day 4- Migraine
Day 5- Migraine
Day 6- Migraine
Day 7- Had what I call a "headache hangover", when your headache is ALMOST gone, but ready to jump out and grab you it you move too fast.
Day 8- Maybe I'll walk tomorrow.
Day 9- 30X5, What was that again?
Day 10- Phone call from CK. "How is your 30X5 going"....I changed the subject (a typical thing for ADHD).
Day 11-Monkeys Are Funny.
Day12- I cleaned today. Does that count? Somehow, I think not.
Day 13- I only signed up because I thought there was a prize!!!
Day 14- I GOT IT!! duh. 30 X 5 = 150!!
Why didn't I just say that in the first place?

Linda has a new plan for Monday...so I'll sign you up??? LOL! Next time. Yup next time we'll do better.
You ARE funny. Who needs monkeys when we have YOU?? I'm glad the headache is behind you. Awful stuff.(Cue the Beatles singing "Yesterday" in the background) I suspect as a firewoman you are far more fit than most of us put together.
Yeah, its that committment thing that gets us all messed up every time. :-)
LOL great post.
I came here expecting a video like you know who did. So where is it? That would count for about 5 minutes, lol. Last night I ran to the store and that took 45 minutes. You can borrow those if you like.
You are so funny. You get a break for the migrain. Those days don't count.
Accountability? I'm all for accountability...
...to God and me. :)
Hey girl, that anonymous person is taking you on in my comments section. LOL!
I always find another reason why I like you. You're such a brave little troublemaker. LOL!! I wish you were going to be at my Tea Party. It would be so much fun!
Are we the only ones in here?
I'm not sure what it is...but I think I have ADHD, too. I actually have just as much respect for firefighters as you probably do for the military. I don't recomment the "Left Behind Series"...I've been told it 'leaves' you with nightmares. We don't need THAT being we have 'ADHD' and all.
I'm me again! (for a minute) :)
I hope that anonymous person didn't follow you over here. I love how diplomatic your last comment was. Maybe you should run for office. :)
Have an abundantly blessed celebration of our Risen King!
This is definitely a funny post...
Just wanted to quick stop and say Happy Easter. May your day be filled with many, many, many blessings!
Love ya, Heaven
Hi all.
Happy Easter!
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