You know what that means.
We're gonna have a special guest!
After talking about vegemite sandwiches, I just had to invite Men At Work to be the special guest today. This song was popular when MTV was at it's finest. When Music Television meant Music Television...not reality tv. IMHO, the song is great...the video, however, could have used a bit more work.
Lets hear a round of applause for Men At Work, singing Down know...that's where woman glow and men plunder..... (is that thunder?)

This beats Donnie & Marie with a stick. Down Under is one place I haven't been and want to go. Of course my plan involves spending a few days in Hawaii on the way there and back for timne adjustments. : )
Yes, truly, this video is like a bite of a vegemite sandwich.... Sometimes, it doesn't help to restate (visualize, lip synch) the obvious. (They couldn't find a real koala?!?! Obviously, their album hadn't hit gold yet, as they had no money for some real production values.)
Still, a better song than "Be Good Johnny."
That song will be stuck in my head the rest of the day! Whenever I click on over to catch up on your blog, I wind up laughing so hard, I have tears in my eyes.
Ohhh, sweet therapy!! You really should consider doing some stand up......
I would pay........honest I would!!:)
That music video was as random as most of your blog posts. LOL! It was so strange. In a good way. Like your blog.
Make sure you check out MY guest on Friday...
Oh I know that song. You know, until now I never understood any of the words except "the land down under." I like the beat though, I can dance to this. :)
The video could definitely use some work. lol.
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