Thankful Thursday.
I see many of you do the Thankful Thursday Post. I think the first time I saw it was at Chatty Kelly's Blog. I've never joined in before but this week I really need to.
1. I am thankful for people that go out of their way to make my birthday special. These people know that I won't make a big deal about a birthday AND they know that if my birthday passed by without any fanfare I would be fine. HOWEVER, they also know how good it feels to be reminded that there really are people that do care about you and really do like you...."They really like you!". Because of them, I know it now also! SO, thanks Chatty Kelly and Edie for the birthday post AND thanks everyone for all the nice comments......special thanks to God's Girl and Lea at the Shabby Ole Potting Shed for the many MANY birthday wishes and trivia. (I can handle that ONCE a year)...and God's Girl...I'm on to you AND on to who those Anonymous comments were from! : )
2. I am thankful that we have all of our needs and many of our wants. Lately, I am seeing more and more unemployment. Not only on tv but even in my own neighborhood. I have always been a frugal person. Not a miser, but pretty careful about where I spend our money. I am very thankful that I have never had to worry about having enough money to feed my kids or for any of life's necessities. (AND that I am still able to throw in a few of those WANTS every now and then!!)
3. I am thankful for family. Even though I carry on about family every now and then, I am VERY lucky. My sisters are wonderful, my neices and nephew are great. I am thankful that my son and his cousin are best friends. AND it isn't very often that you hear someone say they are thankful for their in-laws. But my mother-in-law and her husband are wonderful and are ALWAYS there for me and for my children.
4. I am thankful that someone very close to me, that had prostate surgery, is doing great and is on the road to recovery.
5. I am thankful that a migraine that lasted almost 4 days is now just a small dull thud. ( a small dull thud.... hmmm)
AND, even though there are supposed to be only 5 things....
6. I am thankful that there are still people out there that think Monkey's Are Funny....even after that have read my posts : )
After you said you were posting today...great post! No, really, I'm not just saying that.
I'm glad you had a good day yesterday and you are dull. I mean a dull thud...I mean your head is a dull thud...I mean...oh whatever. I'm glad you're never dull. :-)
It's never a dull moment over here. I'm thankful for you...
... I like you! I really do! :)
Praying for the thud to leave you.
Speaking of thuds, how is your 30 x 5 challenge going, hmmm?
What C.K. SHOULD have said is you are a DOLL!!
Happy Day-After-Your-Birthday!
Great list!
I am thankful that you don't have a tail because if you did.......:)
I am also thankful that it is thankful thursday since I am taking Friday off.
Yeah, I can leave a comment now. I had to put a comment on the previous post earlier. You're the bestest in the westest!!! Or are you in the east-est? Or north-est? Or south-est? Anyway, you're still the bestest!
okay, I went and found my comment I left earlier on your previous post. BTW, I had a REALLY bad day yesterday, so thanks for "needing" me:)
I can't leave a comment on your new post. What's up with that??? I'm blocked forever from commenting. Oh Nooooooooooooooooo.
Hey, BTW, I totally take credit under MY name for all the comments I left yesterday. I am PROUD of those! After so many comments, I had people coming to my blog to check me out (Probably wondering who this crazy lady was).
I would NEVER comment anonymously (Well, I did the first time I left many comments on a previous post, but I made it known it was me). So yeah, besides that, I can't take credit from these anonymous comments.
Hmmmm...I wonder whose birthday it was, who got locked out of their account, who may have possibly commented anonymously...)
Glad your day was wonderful and I hope you have a bigger picture of how wonderful you are to those who read your blog! Now I have to go back to limiting my time on the computer. (For some reason, yesterday, I didn't do to well on that!)
I am so glad you had a Happy Birthday!! Wow, that was a lot of comments. I can't imagine dull being in your vocabulary--
How does one go about hijacking a post anyway??
A great post, so many wonderful things to be thankful for! And I did not know we were only supposed to share 5, I always do more, oh well!
So glad you had a good birthday and you have friends who made it special for you!
bummer--I posted on your last birthday blog it didn't show up--anyhoo Happy Happy Belated bday and sorry your head is STILL hurting!!
Just to set the record straight for you all....
I was "anonymous" yesterday.
I accuse: It was Anonymous with the laptop in the kitchen. (Dah-dah-daaaaaaaaah!)
My apologies to God's girl and Lea for leading you to believe that ADHDMe was giving you permission to leave additional comments. (Are you kidding?!) She had regained her password by the time I had begun the "April foolin'" (Even though I was hoping she would take my lead; I ended up doing it for her!)
I'm now facing litigation for impersonating a still very symptomatic blogger, which is a 1st class Miss Demeanor in the state of Virginia. (When they give me the Oscar, I'll just say, "You like me. You really like me!!")
So, although I am sorry you were a bit deceived (as if you can quantify deceit), God meant it for good, bringing more bloggy traffic to God's girl and giving our very good friend, ADHDMe, more than 100 comments on her birthday!
So, if you read this post, you know the truth. If you didn't read it....
(When's the next game of Clue, ADHDMe?)
I'm sorry....Did I forget something?
Oh, you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO naughty Sue J.!!!!!!
No wonder I got blamed for the anonymous because it really wasn't ADHDme!
Oh, you are naughty!
I hear the fire dept will be citing you. It seems you exceeded the capacity in the chat room yesterday and violated a fire code. :)
It was Sue J in the Chat Room! Ha!
Miss Demeanor - wahahaha!
Wow - when I said Sue J was sneaky, I just had no idea what I was saying.
And I was wondering why ADHD Me went back to "anonymous" after I had given her the password back. Ohhhh.
Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling bloggers!!!!
(No, it's all about reconciliation of relationships. I could see that God's girl was being falsely accused. I couldn't let that go on without stepping in.)
'Twas quite a ruse, however.
You are all CRAZY! lol
I never ever ever would have thought it was Sue J. Did anyone notice how perfectly she stepped into my shoes. I really sounded like me.
God's Girl...haha We BOTH got April Fooled! (I should know better!)
Greg- "At least you don't have a tail" (hahahaha--no apes here!)
When good bloggers, go bad....
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