WE have conversations like this at our house all the time. Isn't this normal? I don't put bumper stickers on my car but there are 2 I've considered: 1. Why Be Normal? 2. Visualize Whirled Peas (with the Peace Sign Symbol) HAHAHA
You need to go ahead and put the word quiz back up for a few days or so. They taiwanese (or whoever) anonymous keeps putting bad links on your blog. Once you block it for a while, they should stop trying.
I am not the most consistent person you will ever know. I might write my own blogs...I might not. I tend to say too much and then regret it so if I do write, hopefully I'll re-read what I've written and then delete most of it. I Love Jesus.I am trying to reach the point in my life where I remember to "give it to God". Sometimes, I forget that he is in charge and then I try to do it myself. So far the results should be proof enough that I need to let him take over. I'm working on it with help from a few special people.
I am a firefighter and an EMT, and of course I am an adrenalin junkie. I am more focused and work best under stressful situations.
I have 2 kids whom I adore. They are boys ages 12 and 17. They are proof that I don't ALWAYS work best under stressful situations!! But, we'll be fine.
I have tons of respect for our military and our country.
My Blog title is Monkey's Are Funny...ok, they really aren't that funny but that's what my sister and I say when my ADHD kicks in. (long story)
Also, I tend to ramble....
for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of Ridicule and being accused of Association with a bad element..."
Feb 2010 Rank Insignia, from Krippled Warrior
"...Upon hearing the firefight in progress, the group of bloggers dropped all personal business, and sent much needed words of encouragement, that led to a regrouping and strengthening of fortifications, which raised the spirits and morale of those afflicted. Their acts were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Blog-O-Sphere and reflect great credit upon themselves and the Blog-O-Sphere in general. Additionally all aforementioned persons are meritoriously advanced to the rank of Chief Petty Officer, in the KW Navy."
WE have conversations like this at our house all the time. Isn't this normal? I don't put bumper stickers on my car but there are 2 I've considered:
1. Why Be Normal?
2. Visualize Whirled Peas (with the Peace Sign Symbol)
I think I've had this converstaion with you before, only we weren't talking about baseball...were we?
This sounds like conversations I have with my Dad:)
I talk like that all the time. I love this skit.
You need to go ahead and put the word quiz back up for a few days or so. They taiwanese (or whoever) anonymous keeps putting bad links on your blog. Once you block it for a while, they should stop trying.
abbot n costello.
yall really got to see more tv then me when I was a kid.
Talk about a sheltered life huh?*
Actually, I never saw this skit until I looked for it for this post. I have heard about it and seen take-offs of it, but that's all. : )
Oh, and to anonymous...sjhgfajheifuh hjidhfjhfkhsdjfnksjdf hueht thjehfiuggfjgkgbksjb
I've had a few conversations like that myself. LOL! I'm so glad I decided to play catch up on your blog. I haven't WAHAHAHAHAed in a while. :)
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