Ba Da Ba Da Da Da
Monday, Monday.
So Good to Me.
Monday Mornin'
It was all I hoped it would be.
Ah yes, The Mama's and The Papa's. I think most of you remember them. They were a little before my time but we had all the albums and I listened to them growing up.
The Mama's and The Papa's were cool. Also, I could relate....Mama Cass had Rosanne RosannaDanna hair....and well, you all know I can definitely relate to that! I have so many posts referring to my Rosanne RosannaDanna hair that I'm not going to even bother linking you to them. I'm getting to know you all pretty well, and well, a lot of work goes into those links that you so nonchalantly skip over. OK, I will direct you to one, Rosanne RosannaDanna and Me because I'm sure everyone of you can easily relate to almost drowning in the bathtub when your hair gets stuck in the drain. Whether or not you read it is entirely up to you. I will just say that I spent a good 6-7 minutes scrolling through my old posts to find it but really, it's entirely up to you.
Wait a minute, you almost got me off track. But I caught you! We aren't talking about accidentally drowning yourself in the bathtub...although I imagine it is a rather common occurrence. Actually, if you notice in the picture, they ARE all sitting in a bathtub. Of course when I almost drowned while washing my hair in the bathtub I was alone. Luckily for them, if it happens to them, someone else is there to save them.
HHmmm. I think I did it again.
Monday, Monday....
I Love Monday's.
It's Quiet and Peaceful.
I can relax.
I do need to go and wash my hair.......If you hear sirens don't worry.....I'll be careful. Thank you, however, for your concern.
Monday, Monday
Ba Da Ba Da Da Da.
Why is their a public restroom toilet in a bathroom with a tub? (album cover). Things that make you same Hmmmm.
I almost blogged today on "just another manic Monday." Wouldn't that have been cute - the 2 music sisters.
Yes, I know you're not cute. Whatevah!
Maybe it isn't a public restroom toilet. Maybe it's just old. It's pretty dirty. I wonder if the tub was that dirty? I wonder if they cleaned the tub before piling into it. I wonder what this post was about.
What indeed.
You and that sister of yours. I love "Manic Monday" and "Monday Monday!"
I wonder if they used hand sanitizer after completing the photo shoot? I wonder if hand sanitizer was invented yet? I'll bet they just called it soap back then.
I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder, ooh, ahh, who wrote the book of love?
I'll bet the picture was in a hotel so that may be the reason behind the public restroom. It would have been neat for the sisters to have a "Monday" theme!
I think Mrs P is right! I think it was taken in a hotel or motel. I wonder if the motel was mentioned on the cover. Actually I think I have that album here somewhere. I just might go look. Of course by the time I stop typing I'll forget about it. About what?
I don't think they used hand sanitizer. Actually, I don't think they used soap. I do know they used. They did have fun music. I wonder if that motel is still standing. I wonder if anyone has cleaned the bathroom yet.
About the time I think I have no more pee to laugh out, I get to your comments. Goodness girl, you are hilarious.
I must have missed something in life because I was never privledged to have my hair get stuck in the bathtub drain. I did get my hand (arm actually) stuck once in a wringer wash machine, the really old ones. And once I got a stick stuck in my eye...but I never got my hair stuck in the drain.
God's Girl- If you do ever happen to get your hair stuck in the drain, hopefully you'll have your shirt on. I didn't...which I know you already know that because I KNOW you went and read the post. I took off my shirt so it wouldn't get wet while I was washing my hair. had I called 911, it would have been the firemen that are on MY crew coming out to "save" me. Now THAT is something one would never be able to live down.
You got your arm stuck in a wringer and a stick stuck in your eye. Is the stick still there? here's to hoping the stick is no longer in your eye...that would look odd...people would stare.
Monday, monday....
I read the Rosanna Danna post so your time was NOT wasted. : )
I'm going to be an eccentric old lady too. You can come to Florida with all the other snowbirds and we can "run our stick along the fence and spit on the sidewalk. And spend all the butter money on brandy". LOL - that's from the poem that the Red Hat Society got their name from.
I'll be right there with you!
Straight from Wikipedia (so you know it must be at least partially true):
"If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears" is one of the first albums to have several different covers. The first cover featured the group in a bathroom sitting in a bathtub with a toilet in the corner. The album with this cover was pulled from stores after the toilet was declared indecent. The remaining covers featuring the toilet have since become collector's items. [Was that your personal album cover, ADHDMe? $$$$$]
A second album cover was then released with a scroll over the toilet listing the presence of "California Dreamin'" on the album. Two more songs were later added to the scroll/box over the toilet. Still later, a Gold Record Award blurb was added (in black) to the left of the group. Finally, a later album covers were released with a closely cropped shot of the band surrounded by a black border that removed any hint that the picture was taken in a bathroom.
And, thank YOU for the hand sanitizer. Honeysuckle and alcohol just make me want to sing, "Dream a little dream of me....."
I have to go read the other post before I can comment. Unless of course I comment on the comments but I'm not sure it would be proper to comment on the comments before I comment on the post. And then if I want to comment on the other post should I comment on it over there, at that post, or should I comment on it over here? And then which one should I comment on first? The first comment first, (First things first. That was the Tuesday tip I did at CK's when we all got introcuded. Maybe I should comment on THAT! But where should I comment on IT!? I could comment on it at CK's since that's where it started, or I could comment on it at my blog since that's where I posted it, or I could comment on it here just becasue it came up and this, after all the chat room) or the *on topic* comment?
Just a few Random Questions!
I agree with God's girl,
Just when I think I can't laugh anymore...BAM!
You are so funny!
I love you you made me laugh today!
I was very proud of myself because I really did read the linked post you referred to before I commented which I normally don't do but I figured I should since you took six minutes to find it and place it there for all of us to read which was very kind of you to expose your embarrasing moment and I really couldn't even imagine getting my hair stuck in the drain half-naked but I definitely did get my arm caught and it hurt and the stick left a mark in my eye that is here to this day but it definitely isn't still stuck in my eye...whew...
was just seeing how long of a run-on sentence I could make.
God's Girl-hey, you're good. Those add on sentences that keep going and going and never stop are sometimes very difficult to do and it seems like you may have a special knack and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that can ramble on and on when all I started out to say was thanks for reading the link because I just learned how to link so I'm feeling pretty impressed with myself and........
LOL!!! I haven't figured out yet how to link and I wish I could but I've tried and can't figure it out because I keep linking things I have no clue about and then I like look at my reflection in the monitor screen and think, "whoa, you have no idea what you're doing" and I don't because I have to keep restarting my computer and restarting my computer and restarting...
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